Friday, February 8, 2013

CPR Book: Post-reading - The Perks of Being A Wallflower

One thing I learned while reading this book was that I can actually get myself to sit down and read a book without getting bored! This is in fact one of the few books i actually enjoyed reading and I thank the author for that. Charlie is the main character and he is only a few years younger than I am but the fact that its about a high school student like myself made the whole book so much more relatable. 

Charlie goes through a lot in this book like family issue as well as friendships and also finding who he is and pretty much any teen can relate to what he goes through. The author made some strong choices by setting the novel as if Charlie was writing in a diary. It made it so more more interesting because it makes you feel as if he is writing to you. 

 Sine learning about what makes good stories, I was able to notice that this book worked the rules of empathy for me. It made me laugh at certain parts and feel bad/ sad on others. although the character was kind of all over the place emotionally  I think it just made it so much more relatable since it was written for teenagers who are also in high school and trying to figure out who they are. 

 "So i guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from here." 

 This quote really hit home for me since I feel like I am still finding my way and finding out who I am. In fact this whole book kind of hit home for me since I  was able to relate to his family, friendship and personal issues. After reading this book I would definitely recommend it to any high school student. I am looking forward to seeing the movie since I enjoyed the book so much!

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